Wednesday, July 2, 2008

6 of My Many Quirks

1. I can be annoyed by the most minimal things. Some of the little things that drive me crazy is bouncing of ones foot or tapping of fingernails. One that lately really gets to me is when Deke and I are sitting on the coach watching TV, he will have his arm around the back of the coach and switch the channels. The clicking of the remote so close to my ear drives me crazy! I try to be patient and give him a few minutes but after a few seconds all I have to do is look at him and he knows. Something I need to work on I know!

2. I can be a horrible back seat driver. Deke has given me the name of MapQuest because he says that I always know the best way to go.

3. I am anal about laundry. So many of my clothes I don’t but in the dryer and am terrified that if I allow Deke to do it he will forget and shrink my stuff. Needless to say I am the one that does most of the laundry.

4. There are some things I just love but can’t bring myself to spend the money on them. One thing is professional product for my hair and smelly hand lotion or candles. I love it when I do buy it (or get it as a gift) but hate spending the money on it. There are so many other things I would prefer to spend my money on.

5. I am a little ornery if woken up from a nap. I would like to state that I have gotten better over the years (especially since I got married) but my family and roommates learned quickly that I wasn’t in the best of mood if I was woken from a slumber, that I oblivious needed. Sleep is precious to me, I am trying to get as much as I can NOW!!

6. When I workout I love to sweat! I go to the gym to sweat and workout and not socialize and just go through the motions. I get annoyed by those that stand around and socialize and occupy a weight machine for 30 minutes. I sometimes wonder why I even go and get annoyed with all those that are there. I guess when I am on a cardio machine I have plenty to watch and be entertained by! Deke and I love to share stories with each other what we saw at the gym that day.

I tag Alayna, Rachel and Jennica


Piano Mom said...

Just a little ornery? Your roommates at college would tremble in fear if asked to wake you up for a phone call :)! I have lots of little things that annoy me do we go about being oblivious to those things? I think my whole family would be happier if I could just ignore the stuff they do that makes me want to pull my hair out!

Natalie said...

That is so funny! The remote clicking annoyance is the one that makes me laugh the most. That would drive me nuts, too. :)

Jennica said...

gladyou know yourself s well! as do all of us. however i totally agree with the clicking one. combine that with sunflower seeds and we'll talk.